D.C. Municipal Building Heating & Cooling Energy Use

The daily weather report is affecting your bottom line. Landlords already know that. What they may not know, is where those electrical bills are going. As the chart illustrates, 60 degrees Fahrenheit is the perfect temperature for energy conservation. At 60 degrees, nearly all energy usage is going towards lighting, water heating, and appliances. Once the temperature starts to tick up or down, heating and cooling comes into effect, and energy use skyrockets.

During cold winters, heat loss can take energy usage up 300%. Air conditioning is more costly. During a hot summer, energy usages can jump up 400% as more cool air is needed to offset the sweltering sun. On a 100 degree day, approximately 87% of all energy usage is going towards air conditioning.

That’s why tracking air conditioning and heating usage is so critical. If a conference room isn’t being used on a hot summer day, having the option to stop cooling the space could add up to huge savings. Making small adjustments based on employee’s patterns of usage compounds cost savings. Those types of savings are only possible if you have access to the data and can understand it.

Prescriptive Data’s NANTUM technology helps you safely measure, track, understand and manipulate your building’s energy usage, among several other factors. That will lead to cost savings and compliance with new environmental regulations. Don't get caught out in the cold on your electricity build or they’ll burn through your bank account.

Read the full article: http://www.usgbc.org/articles/three-perspectives-energy-management-commercial-buildings-usgbc-national-capital-region


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