86% of Natural Gas Consumption Goes to Space Heating in Office Buildings

Electricity and natural gas are the main forms of energy powering your office building. Each is used for different functions. So what exactly does all that natural gas power? As the chart shows, primarily space heating. 86% of natural gas goes toward keeping offices comfortable during the winter. That means you can expect higher gas bills during the colder months, as anyone who’s lived through a harsh New York winter can tell you.

Knowing when and how much you’re using natural gas can help you save money and increase your building’s energy efficiency. Using building automation systems that regulate temperature with smart thermostats to avoid over consumption will help the building use less natural gas, saving money during peak hours when the bills can really add up.

When you consider that nearly 30% of a building’s operating expenses are spent on utilities, it’s easy to see how knowing the basics about energy usage can compound into serious savings. Several systems use electricity, very few use natural gas. Something so simple shouldn’t be eating through your income. Getting a handle on natural gas usage is an easy way to take your first step towards making your building more environmentally friendly.

Read the full article: Improving a Building’s IQ: How Smart Technologies Can Benefit Commercial Real Estate


D.C. Municipal Building Heating & Cooling Energy Use


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