71% of CRE Firms are Capturing IoT Sensor Data

Data is the name of the game and every building is full of it. Physical assets in real estate can create nearly as much data as any piece of technology considering how many buildings are being wired into the Internet of Things. Sensor data is revolutionizing real estate as devices that can track temperature, occupancy, access, ventilation, natural light and air quality are being adopted at an astonishing rate.

What CRE firms do with their own data once they have it isn’t as clear. Overall, 71% are using captured IoT data by either collecting their own or purchasing it from vendors. With that data, property owners and managers can understand their building better, how it’s being used and what improvements can be made. Sensor data helps systems and owners be more responsive—saving time and money. That’s why just 8% of commercial real estate firms have no plan to capture or purchase sensor data. The upside of sensor data is that more often than not the savings pay for the upfront cost of the technology.

As Deloitte claims, data is the new gold. Don’t let it slip through your fingers.

Read the full report: https://www2.deloitte.com/etc/insights-lists/interactives/staging/2019/December/CRE_Outlook/index.html

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