Lighting in Cities Alone Account for 19% of World's Total Electricity Consumption

Since humans harnessed fire, light has transformed our daily lives. Moving from the campfire, artificial light advanced in the form of candles, oils, and other fuels; each a complicated process in its own right. Electric light, pioneered by Edison and his team of his inventors changed the daily rhythm of human life. Spermicide oil lamps gave just 7 hours of light for an average day’s wage. Edison’s light bulb offered 1,200 hours of artificial light for the same price. The innovation ushered in a new era of civilization.

Today, the city never sleeps. Electric lights power work and play 24 hours a day. All of that power adds up. Lighting alone represents 19% of the world’s total electricity consumption, according to a study published by Visual Capitalist. Cities polluting the night sky with light account for 60-80% of the world’s energy needs.

If we’re to work towards a cleaner future, we must limit our energy use. The easiest way to do that is to continue to improve lighting efficiency. New bulbs, management systems, and lighting plans can have dramatic effects in both commercials and residential buildings — saving electricity and money. A brighter tomorrow means taking action today.

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