Increase Asset Valuation

AI Revenue Buildings

Sustainability With A ROI

Reduce OpEx

Predict & Defer CapEx

Maximize Creative Revenue

Decrease Asset Risk


OpEx Reduction

AI Energy Reduction

  • Utilize real-time occupancy to control building systems

  • Only spend money heating and cooling occupied spaces

  • Save money on unoccupied spaces

OpEx Reduction

AI Peak Demand Charge Avoidance

  • Peak demand charges can represent 30-70% of annual utility bills

  • Building engineers are alerted in real-time when they are about to set a new utility peak demand

  • At the click of a button, operators can avoid setting a new utility peak, saving thousands of dollars each month

OpEx Reduction

AI Steam Demand Charge Avoidance

  • Every morning during the winter, in steam building districts, on-peak steam charges ~10x the cost of steam

  • Nantum recommends a steam pre-heat time and temperature setpoint during off-peak steam demand hours

  • This allows building operators to utilize hydronic systems for thermal energy storage (storing energy in a volume of water) and dispursing steam throughout the rest of the day, avoiding costly on-peak steam charges

Creative Revenue

AI Demand Response Revenue

  • During a very hot summer day, when everyone is using their air conditioners, utility companies may not have enough electric demand to supply the region

  • It is cheaper for a utility company to pay owners and tenants to reduce their energy use than to turn on a coal plant

  • Automated Demand Response works directly with utility companies to automate energy reduction, and increase revenue from utilities

Capital Expense Reduction

AI: Upgrade That Later

  • Visualize equipment health in real-time

  • Work with the Nantum CS team to optimize and optimize equipment health

  • Extend equipment lifetime for capital expense deferment

Risk Avoidance

AI: Carbon Emissions Fine Avoidance

  • Visualize real-time carbon emissions across your entire portfolio

  • Benchmark your portfolio’s best and poor performing buildings

  • Measure real-time regulatory compliance and exposure

  • Automate building energy reduction, procure renewable energy, and avoid carbon emissions fines

Risk Avoidance

AI Insurance Premium Reduction

  • Work with your insurance provider to provide real-time water, people, and cyber security analytics

  • Install water IoT devices to predict and prevent major floods

  • Utilize occupancy sensors to detect unusual activity, spikes, reductions, and more

  • Provide your insurance company with a comprehensive cyber-secure building network infrastructure