Optimize Your Portfolio By Correlating All Building Systems With Real-Time Occupancy

  • Automate Energy, Cost, & Carbon Emission Reduction

  • Give Your Operations Team Back Hours Of Their Day To Focus On Important Tasks

  • Optimize Equipment Performance & Lifetime

  • Guarantee Tenant Comfort In Occupied Areas

Smart Building Startup

Nantum looks at historical BMS performance, occupancy data, and weather prediction to provide a recommended (or automated) building startup time. This time uses the least amount of energy to reach desired interior comfort temperatures.

Mid-Day Ramps

Nantum correlates building occupancy with BMS set points and fan speeds to reduce building energy usage. As occupants leave and enter the building, Nantum adjusts the BMS.

End of Day Ramp Down

Nantum correlates a building’s thermal inertia with end-of-day occupancy and ramps down the BMS as people leave the building. All in real-time.


Automation Visualization

Using the Scheduler app, building operators can easily view the recommended or automated building startup time, mid-day BMS adjustments, and end-of-day ramps.

WiFi Thermostat + Occupancy Automation

Automate WiFi Thermostats based on real-time occupancy. Set desired temperatures based on occupied spaces and lease SLA requirements for unoccupied spaces to reduce energy consumption.

Lighting, Shade, & Glass Automation

Automate smart lighting, shade, and glass systems based on real-time occupancy. Automate desired set points based on occupied spaces and unoccupied spaces to reduce energy consumption. Integrate with sunlight sensors to automate productive and efficient spaces.

Distributed Energy Resources

Automate energy storage systems, fuel cells, on-site generation assets, and on-site renewables for cost optimization (utilize when real-time energy prices are high) or for carbon emission reduction (utilize when grid fuel mix is the most carbon-intensive).

Heat Pump + Occupancy Automation

Nantum adjusts heat pump set points based on building occupancy, for smart startup:

  • 78º F >  Building Occupancy >> 5-14 people

  • 77º F > Occupancy >> 15-74 people

  • 76º F > Occupancy >> 75 people and above

Floor v Floor AHU Automation Utilizing Real-Time Occupancy

Visualized here in Nantum’s dynamic graphs app, turning off fans at 2pm, and at the end of the day reducing daily electric demand.

Supply Fan VFD + Occupancy Automation

During COVID-19, Supply Fan VFDs were correlated to whole building occupancy:

  • HVAC Occupancy Based Startup is delayed

  • Lunch Time Ramp Down is sustained longer

  • End of Day Ramp Down occurs earlier

  • Shutdown of HVAC occurs at 5pm instead of 6pm